How to Deal With a Disclosure in Online Safety

Image of Christina Leath
Christina Leath Strategic leader, Safeguarding Director and non-executive director for safeguarding
Webinar 1hr 2min

This webinar will support schools and colleges in meeting their statutory requirements around online safety, helping them to ensure they have safe mechanisms in place to identify, intervene and escalate any disclosure of harm and abuse and that these processes are robust and systematic.

CPD Certified

Schools have a duty of care towards keeping children and yound people safe from online abuse. This is made clear by the DfE in the ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE)’ statutory guidance, ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ and ‘Teaching Online Safety in Schools’. With research showing that children and young people are increasingly spending more time online, this will inevitably bring heightened safeguarding risks.

This webinar is for Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) and deputy DSLs, head teachers, governing bodies and proprietors. It will support schools and colleges in meeting their statutory requirements around online safety, helping them to ensure they have safe mechanisms in place to identify, intervene and escalate any disclosure of harm and abuse and that these processes are robust and systematic.