Responding to Low-Level Safeguarding Concerns in Line with Statutory Duties | Secondary

Image of Robin Watts
Robin Watts International safeguarding expert
Webinar 1hr 2min

This webinar will provide headteachers, senior leaders, governors, teachers, practitioners and support staff with a detailed understanding of their duties and responsibilities in identifying, managing and addressing low-level safeguarding concerns in line with DfE guidance.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide headteachers, senior leaders, governors, teachers, practitioners and support staff with a detailed understanding of their duties and responsibilities in identifying, managing and addressing low-level safeguarding concerns in line with DfE guidance.

The DfE’s statutory guidance ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ states that all schools and colleges should promote “an open and transparent culture” in which all concerns about all adults working in or on behalf of the school or college are dealt with promptly and appropriately, and underlines the importance of having appropriate policies and processes in place to support this.

In this webinar, Robin Watts, international safeguarding expert and education consultant who has worked with schools worldwide, will explain what constitutes a low-level concern, what this might look like in a secondary setting, why it is important to recognise and report a concern, and how to do so effectively.