JCQ Access Arrangements for Exams to Support Pupils with SEND | Secondary

Image of Michael Chiles
Michael Chiles Principal examiner, curriculum development advisor, school leader and author
Webinar 52min

This webinar will provide you with an understanding of the importance of supporting pupils with SEND in secondary schools during exam season, offering practical ways in which teaching staff, teaching assistants and SENCOs can reduce stress, anxiety and ensure the most appropriate reasonable adjustments are put in place for pupils.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, teachers and teaching assistants

Aim: This webinar will provide you with an understanding of the importance of supporting pupils with SEND in secondary schools during exam season, offering practical ways in which teaching staff, teaching assistants and SENCOs can reduce stress, anxiety and ensure the most appropriate reasonable adjustments are put in place for pupils.

Rationale: As exam season approaches, students and pupils with SEND are likely to experience a significant amount of stress and anxiety. JCQ’s Access arrangements and reasonable adjustments publication offers insight into what steps can be taken by schools to support pupils. It is therefore vital that schools have an idea of how to support pupils with access arrangements to ensure that they are positioned to take their exams as appropriately as possible, creating a more inclusive whole-school approach to examinations.