Innovative Strategies to Address Complex SEND

Image of Karen Pilling
Karen Pilling Highly experienced SEND expert, deputy head and SENCO
Webinar 1hr 23min

This webinar is for school heads, SENCOs, SEN teaching assistants and teachers working directly with pupils with SEND. It will provide you with a description of the most common types of SEN in the classroom and offer practical strategies for support.

CPD Certified
On average each classroom has at least 6 children with SEN. The ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ 2019 statutory guidance references the additional challenges that children with SEND can face however tight budgets mean that schools often struggle to find time and money for staff training. This means many teachers find it difficult to identify specific types of SEN and how to support it in the classroom.

This webinar is for school heads, SENCOs, SEN teaching assistants and teachers working directly with pupils with SEND. It will provide you with a description of the most common types of SEN in the classroom and offer practical strategies for support. It will also provide new and innovative approaches that can be used to help support students whilst they are in the classroom.