Identity Theft

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#WakeUpWednesday Free resources for trusted adults
Webinar 5min

We've all heard horror stories of online identity theft. While it's a hazard that mainly affects adults, it's not unknown for young people to be targeted. Our five-minute explainer video tells you what you need to know.

CPD Certified

What is identity theft?

Identity theft ruins lives. If someone has your name, address, and date of birth, they can pin various expenses on you without ever having to pay the debts. This can ruin your credit rating, jeopardising your chances of getting a loan, mortgage, or credit card in future. While it is predominantly considered a problem for adults, identity theft of children and young people can and does happen and it can be hugely damaging for them in the future as evidence can take much longer to surface.

For more information on the associated risks and online safety tips for parents and carers, watch our explainer video, available to those with a National Online Safety membership.