How to Use Self-evaluation to Help Meet Ofsted Requirements | Secondary

Image of Adrian Gray
Adrian Gray School improvement consultant
Webinar 58min

This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on establishing a cycle of self-evaluation across the year, and will include a specific focus on areas of Ofsted’s Education inspection framework which schools traditionally find hard to evidence, together with aspects of leadership and management, such as safety and safeguarding.

CPD Certified

For: Senior leaders, governors, trustees 

Aim: This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on establishing a cycle of self-evaluation across the year, and will include a specific focus on areas of Ofsted’s 'Education inspection framework' which schools traditionally find hard to evidence, together with aspects of leadership and management, such as safety and safeguarding. 

Rationale: Self-evaluation is one of a series of interlinked processes in the school improvement cycle which requires a pragmatic approach to evidence gathering, particularly in areas where it is difficult to measure quality. For example, how do you evaluate your key stage 3 curriculum when there are no national benchmarks, or evidence that you have supported pupils’ personal development and prepared them for the next stage of their post-16 learning?