Adverse Childhood Experiences: Helping Children Cope with Separation | Nurseries

Image of Catrina Lowri
Catrina Lowri Creator of Neuroteachers resources
Webinar 48min

This webinar will discuss how we define an adverse childhood experience (an ACE), and link this to how separation can be traumatic for children in many circumstances. It will then explore ways that nurseries can recognise and respond to this risk to support the best outcomes in every child.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, practitioners 

Aim: This webinar will discuss how we define an adverse childhood experience (an ACE), and link this to how separation can be traumatic for children in many circumstances. It will then explore ways that nurseries can recognise and respond to this risk to support the best outcomes in every child. 

Rationale: While separation is not automatically considered to be an ACE, it can nevertheless be a difficult and distressing event for children. If the child experiences repeated or prolonged separation from their primary caregivers or is also coping with other ACEs, it could have negative short- and long-term impacts on their mental and physical health. In this context, therefore, the responsibility of nursery staff and their duty of care (as outlined in KCSIE) becomes particularly significant.