Understanding the DfE’s Guide to Effective Curriculum Planning | Post-16

Image of Matt Bromley
Matt Bromley Education journalist, author, and advisor
Webinar 47min

This webinar will provide you with expert insight into the principal stages of effective curriculum planning, as established in newly published DfE guidance for use by post-16 and sixth-form colleges.

CPD Certified

For: Headteachers, principals, senior leaders, governors, curriculum planning leads and teachers 

Aim: This webinar will provide you with expert insight into the principal stages of effective curriculum planning, as established in newly published DfE guidance for use by post-16 and sixth-form colleges. 

Rationale: On 18 January 2023, the DfE published its Guide to effective practice in curriculum planning which provides a flexible and adaptable reference tool to guide further education and sixth-form colleges through the main stages of the planning process, based on the collective experience of professionals across the sector.