Guidance for Leaders: Evaluating Performance to Drive Improvement | Post-16

Image of Stefan Fusenich
Stefan Fusenich Teacher educator and DfE subject learning coach
Webinar 50min

This webinar will provide you with expert insight into the transformative impact of self-evaluation in driving improvement in post-16 settings. It will explain self-evaluation strategies, data analysis techniques, and using findings to inform evidence-based decision-making and enhance the quality of provision.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders

Aim: This webinar will provide you with expert insight into the transformative impact of self-evaluation in driving improvement in post-16 settings. It will explain self-evaluation strategies, data analysis techniques, and using findings to inform evidence-based decision-making and enhance the quality of provision.

Rationale: Effective self-evaluation involves assessing performance in key areas, and using evidence-based criteria to identify areas for improvement. Incorporating self-evaluation into the improvement-planning cycle can help providers identify and address improvement priorities and enhance educational outcomes.