Gender Questioning Draft Guidance: An Expert Review of the DfE Consultation | Secondary

Image of John Rees
John Rees National and international RSHE consultant and trainer
Webinar 46min

This webinar will provide you with an expert overview of the DfE’s non-statutory draft guidance on responding to pupils who question their gender identity, thereby ensuring your setting is equipped to best support students in line with the government’s expectations upon completion of the consultation on March 12th 2024.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, teachers

Aim: This webinar will provide you with an expert overview of the DfE’s non-statutory draft guidance on responding to pupils who question their gender identity, thereby ensuring your setting is equipped to best support students in line with the government’s expectations upon completion of the consultation on March 12th 2024. 

Why this webinar’s important: The DfE’s Gender Questioning Children draft guidance sets out the government’s response to “a significant increase in the number of children questioning the way they feel about being a boy or a girl”. Though non-statutory, the document has the potential to have a significant impact in schools when it comes into force, and it is essential that all schools understand what will be expected in order to both prepare, and have their voice heard during the consultation period.