Using Natural and Sustainable Materials to Develop Fine Motor Skills in Early Years

Image of Hannah Tombling
Hannah Tombling Eco Schools Leader at Diamond Wood Community Academy, science lead and nursery teacher
Webinar 52min

This webinar will provide headteachers, managers, teachers and practitioners in early years settings with advice and practical guidance on using natural and sustainable materials to support the development of fine motor skills.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide headteachers, managers, teachers and practitioners in early years settings with advice and practical guidance on using natural and sustainable materials to support the development of fine motor skills.

The EYFS statutory framework highlights the importance of developing fine motor control and precision, which helps with hand-eye co-ordination and is later linked to early literacy. By providing opportunities for small world activities using natural and sustainable materials, it is possible support both the development of fine motor skills and an appreciation for and understanding of the natural world.

In this webinar, Hannah Tombling, Eco Schools Leader, 2021 TES Environmental Champion of the Year, science lead and nursery teacher, invites early years settings to consider the abundance of natural and sustainable materials - many of which are freely available - as a resource to fire young learners’ curiosity, imagination and interest in nature, and enhance small world activities in early years.