Filtering and Monitoring: Achieving Compliance in Line with KCSIE | Secondary

Image of Gary Henderson
Gary Henderson Cyber security advocate and director of IT
Webinar 1hr 24min

The webinar discusses how recent updates to KCSIE have made filtering and monitoring even more vital components in limiting potential risks to students through a school’s IT system. It outlines how to ensure compliance with regulations to offer the strongest possible online safeguarding.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, teachers, governors and trustees

Aim: The webinar discusses how recent updates to KCSIE have made filtering and monitoring even more vital components in limiting potential risks to students through a school’s IT system. It outlines how to ensure compliance with regulations to offer the strongest possible online safeguarding.

Rationale: Due to come into force on 1 September, the updated 2023 version of KCSIE states that “All staff should receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training (including online safety which … includes an understanding of the expectations, applicable roles and responsibilities in relation to filtering and monitoring … ) at induction.” Effective filtering and monitoring, therefore, is becoming a more pivotal strand of schools’ overall online safeguarding provision.