Fake News: Teaching Pupils How to Evaluate Online Sources | Primary

Image of Simon Howe
Simon Howe Head of ICT & Computing at Ashton on Mersey School
Webinar 1hr 4min

With a focus on the duty of schools to teach pupils about fake news (as outlined in KCSIE), this webinar will examine the most common types of misinformation and disinformation, highlighting the potential harms and suggesting ways to support learning around this often complex subject.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, teachers, teaching assistants 

Aim: With a focus on the duty of schools to teach pupils about fake news (as outlined in KCSIE), this webinar will examine the most common types of misinformation and disinformation, highlighting the potential harms and suggesting ways to support learning around this often complex subject. 

Rationale: It’s difficult to quantify the prevalence of fake news online, but what’s beyond dispute is that it has become a significant problem. In particular, social media and other online platforms enable false information to reach large audiences extremely quickly – with as many as a third of the UK’s internet users unaware that online content might be false or biased. As children tend to be especially receptive to things they read on the internet, this poses a clear issue.