Effective Use of Spacing and Retrieval Practice to Boost Classroom Learning

Image of Michael Chiles
Michael Chiles Principal examiner, curriculum development advisor, school leader and author
Webinar 46min

This webinar will provide school leaders, subject leads, curriculum leads and all teaching staff with practical advice and support in delivering effective spacing and retrieval practice to classroom teaching.

CPD Certified

Webinar Runtime: 46 Minutes

This webinar will provide school leaders, subject leads, curriculum leads and all teaching staff with practical advice and support in delivering effective spacing and retrieval practice to classroom teaching.

There is a body of scientific research which indicates that spacing and retrieval practice in the classroom can enhance and improve pupil’s learning. Breaking content down into more manageable chunks and using effective retrieval practice techniques is a much more active method of learning which increases the likelihood that the information will be remembered later.

In this webinar, Michael Chiles, Principal Examiner, school leader and author of The CRAFT of Assessment, explores how schools can successfully implement spacing and retrieval practice techniques as part of their curriculum design, lesson frameworks and assessment strategies in order to deliver better learning outcomes.