Effective School Governance: Principles of Strategic Leadership Aligned with DfE Guidance | Secondary

Image of Wendy Adeniji
Wendy Adeniji School principal, teacher, inspector and author
Webinar 58min

This webinar will provide expert training in how to effectively fulfil the role of governor for a maintained school. It takes a particular focus on strategy and leadership as outlined in the DfE’s governance guides.

CPD Certified

For: Governors, trustees 

Aim: This webinar will provide expert training in how to effectively fulfil the role of governor for a maintained school. It takes a particular focus on strategy and leadership as outlined in the DfE’s governance guides. 

Why this webinar’s important: In March 2024, the DfE published the Maintained schools governance guide, replacing the Governance handbook and competency framework, which presented the duties of governors in a new format. This is the first in a series of webinars offering expert insight into how to fulfil the role of school governor, focusing on six key features of effective governance.