Effective Governance in Nurseries to Ensure Compliance and Improve Outcomes

Image of Tricia Wellings
Tricia Wellings Early years expert
Webinar 51min

This webinar will provide you with practical guidance and advice on how to develop effective governance in nurseries and early years settings, including an insight into how nursery governance works and the key principles to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, governors 

Aim: This webinar will provide you with practical guidance and advice on how to develop effective governance in nurseries and early years settings, including an insight into how nursery governance works and the key principles to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. 

Rationale: Governing bodies of nurseries and early years settings must ensure they comply with their legal requirements. Effective governance, which takes a collaborative approach, can play a significant part in enhancing educational outcomes in nurseries, and foster both internal and external stakeholder engagement, which in turn can promote impactful decision-making and help drive up standards across all areas.