Develop Language Skills to Teach about Number | Nurseries

Image of Julie Lush
Julie Lush Mathematics consultant with First4Maths
Webinar 1hr 1min

This webinar will provide you with practical guidance and advice on using language and communication skills to help develop children’s understanding of numbers across all areas of maths in the early years in line with EYFS requirements and recommended best practice.

CPD Certified

For: Nursery Managers and Practitioners

Aim: This webinar will provide you with practical guidance and advice on using language and communication skills to help develop children’s understanding of numbers across all areas of maths in the early years in line with EYFS requirements and recommended best practice.

Rationale: The ‘Early years foundation stage statutory framework’ states that developing a strong grounding in number is essential so that all children develop the necessary building blocks to excel mathematically. Children should be able to count confidently, develop a deep understanding of the numbers to 10, the relationships between them and the patterns within those numbers.