An Expert Review of the DfE’s Mobile Phones in Schools Guidance

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The National College Helping you drive up standards with world-leading experts
Webinar 43min

This webinar will provide you with an expert overview of the DfE’s recent guidance on mobile phone use in schools, highlighting the key features of the document and explaining the potential implications for you and your staff.

CPD Certified

For: Senior leaders, teachers

Aim: This webinar will provide you with an expert overview of the DfE’s recent guidance on mobile phone use in schools, highlighting the key features of the document and explaining the potential implications for you and your staff. 

Why this webinar’s important: Students’ use of mobile phones in school can interfere with educators’ efforts to create an environment that is conducive to learning. On 19 February 2024, the DfE released their ‘Mobile phones in schools’ guidance, which recommends that “all schools should prohibit the use of mobile phones throughout the school day – not only during lessons but break and lunchtimes as well”. This webinar explores the document’s salient points in real terms and offers an overview of how the guidance suggests your setting can create a workable, productive mobile phone policy.