Maximising the DfE PE and Sport Premium Funding 2023/24

Image of Caroline Holder
Caroline Holder Physical education adviser
Webinar 1hr 4min

This webinar will provide you with an expert overview of, and practical guidance on, how to make the most of the DfE’s PE and sports premium. It will also explain future plans to increase PE and sports activity in schools and what new initiatives schools will be able to get involved in.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders and teachers

Aim: This webinar will provide you with an expert overview of, and practical guidance on, how to make the most of the DfE’s PE and sports premium. It will also explain future plans to increase PE and sports activity in schools and what new initiatives schools will be able to get involved in.

Why this webinar is important: On 19 July 2023, the DfE published updated guidance on the PE and sport premium. Schools that receive the funding must know how to meet DfE requirements, including what they can and cannot spend the money on. A ‘School sport and activity action plan’, was also released, providing insight into what opportunities the DfE will be developing over the next 12 to 24 months.