Cost of Living Crisis: Whole-School Support for Mental Health

Image of Jo Morton-Brown
Jo Morton-Brown Trainer and speaker on mental health in schools
Webinar 48min

This webinar will provide school and college leaders, governors and trustees, teaching staff and support staff with a clearer understanding of how the cost of living crisis can potentially impact the mental health of staff, pupils and families, and what schools and colleges can do to bolster wellbeing in these unsettling times.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide school and college leaders, governors and trustees, teaching staff and support staff with a clearer understanding of how the cost of living crisis can potentially impact the mental health of staff, pupils and families, and what schools and colleges can do to bolster wellbeing in these unsettling times.

New analysis of the cost of living crisis has suggested that it could push around 200,000 more children into poverty – almost all of them from households with at least one working parent. The physical consequences of families struggling to afford energy costs alongside food bills are well documented, but campaigners are also beginning to highlight the potential mental health implications for members of school and college communities. 

In this webinar, Jo Morton-Brown, an accredited member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, explores how schools and colleges might be able to recognise when an individual or their family is in need of mental health support, and how this can be broached in a sensitive manner.