Ready for Ofsted: How to Conduct Mock Inspections in Your School | Primary Special Schools

Image of Stefan Fusenich
Stefan Fusenich Teacher educator and DfE subject learning coach
Webinar 57min

This webinar offers expert guidance on how to conduct mock Ofsted inspections – helping to prepare staff and pupils, and building familiarity and confidence with the processes to encourage positive outcomes from the real event.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders

Aim: This webinar offers expert guidance on how to conduct mock Ofsted inspections – helping to prepare staff and pupils, and building familiarity and confidence with the processes to encourage positive outcomes from the real event. 

Why this webinar’s important: Ofsted’s recent annual report reveals that they inspected 7,240 schools in the 2022-23 academic year. As a statutory process that all state schools and half of independent schools go through, it’s essential that schools understand how to prepare for inspection. Through effective, low-stakes practice and self-evaluation, schools can identify how to showcase their best elements and recognise areas that can be developed further.