Catfishing: Building Critical Thinking Skills to Safeguard against Fake Profiles | Primary

Image of Jonathan Taylor
Jonathan Taylor Online safety, social media and online grooming expert
Webinar 47min

In this webinar, Jonathan Taylor, an international online safety, social media and online grooming expert, explores the concept of fake profiles and catfishing, the harmful impact they can have on others and how to build digital resilience and critical thinking skills in children and young people.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide school leaders and teachers with practical guidance and advice on identifying and recognising the signs associated with fake profiles and catfishing and how to protect themselves and their pupils against falling victim to online scams.

Creating a fake profile is easy on most platforms and can often fool others, particularly children and young people, into believing a lie. Ofcom found that more than a fifth of 12-17s were unable to detect a fake online social media profile, with a quarter believing the profile picture and posted photos proved it was real. Given that victims of catfishing often experience a detrimental impact on mental health, it’s important pupils have the right skills to be able to detect fact from fiction.

In this webinar, Jonathan Taylor, an international online safety, social media and online grooming expert, explores the concept of fake profiles and catfishing, the harmful impact they can have on others and how to build digital resilience and critical thinking skills in children and young people.