An Expert Review of the Healthy Schools Rating Scheme

Dr Jason O'Rourke
School food policy expert


1 hour

Rated 5 stars


This webinar will provide senior leaders and teachers with expert insight into the healthy schools rating scheme and how it can be used to recognise and encourage their contribution to supporting learners’ health and wellbeing.
CPD Certified
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This webinar will provide senior leaders and teachers with expert insight into the healthy schools rating scheme and how it can be used to recognise and encourage their contribution to supporting learners’ health and wellbeing. 

On 19 October 2022, the DfE published an updated version of their Healthy schools rating scheme. The self-assessment tool should be used by schools, colleges and early years settings to determine how well they are promoting healthy eating and physical activity and find out information on how they might improve their healthy living policies. Settings will be awarded a rating based on their performance. 

This webinar will provide an overview of the updated guidance for settings, discuss the importance and role of staff in promoting a healthy lifestyle and support settings in how to best use the self-assessment tool with their setting.

Outcome 1:

Realising how to use the rating achieved, the positive impact it can have with parents and what areas it might help to support improvement

Outcome 2:

Recognising the aims of the healthy schools rating scheme and the different criteria that settings need to meet to achieve their rating

Outcome 3:

Understanding how to participate in the healthy schools rating scheme and how it links to the Active Lives Children and Young People survey

Outcome 4:

Identifying supporting guidance from the Public Health England designed to encourage pupils to build healthier habits and the importance of the School Food Standards

Outcome 5:

Understanding the rationale behind the healthy schools rating scheme and how it supports a wider series of government actions to support pupils’ health and wellbeing

Dr Jason O'Rourke

Dr Jason O’Rourke is a multi-award winning, internationally recognised food education and school food policy expert with a proven track record of positively impacting on children’s health and wellbeing. Jason passionately promotes the impact food education can have on learning outcomes and social inequality and has received acclaim for his ground-breaking work in schools on educating and inspiring pupils to embrace a healthy lifestyle through positive engagement with food. He works as part of a government committee to shape the food education agenda on a national scale, including the All Party Parliamentary Group on School Food, and has previously worked with a range of EU, national and international partnerships in the fields of food education, school meals, food sustainability, biodiversity, commensality, sensory food education and the development of whole school food approaches to improve children's health and wellbeing.