Amplifying Pupil Voice as Part of a Holistic Approach to Safeguarding | Secondary

Image of Debbie Innes-Turnill
Debbie Innes-Turnill Safeguarding and child protection expert
Webinar 48min

This webinar provides an exploration of the role of pupils in safeguarding culture: how student voice can be incorporated into safeguarding strategy and implementation. It explores the evidence for student voice in safeguarding and discusses models for student safeguarding leadership.

CPD Certified

For: All school staff

Aim: This webinar provides an exploration of the role of pupils in safeguarding culture: how student voice can be incorporated into safeguarding strategy and implementation. It explores the evidence for student voice in safeguarding and discusses models for student safeguarding leadership.

Rationale: The statutory guidance on inter-agency working in safeguarding and children’s welfare, Working Together to Safeguard Children, outlines the importance of involving young people themselves when a school is developing or reviewing its safeguarding provision. This not only ensures a focus on the correct areas but also helps educators to stay aware of current issues and – pivotally – of what students feel is important.