Adolescent Self-Regulation: Practical Tools to Manage Emotions and Behaviours | Independent Senior Schools

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The National College Helping you drive up standards with world-leading experts
Webinar 1hr 6min

This webinar will showcase practical strategies which can support students’ long-term wellbeing by teaching them how to self-regulate – helping them to navigate the challenges of everyday life by building their understanding and giving them the tools to manage their emotions effectively.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, teachers, teaching assistants

Aim: This webinar will showcase practical strategies which can support students’ long-term wellbeing by teaching them how to self-regulate – helping them to navigate the challenges of everyday life by building their understanding and giving them the tools to manage their emotions effectively. 

Why this webinar’s important: Adolescence is a critical period for mental health development, so it was concerning to note that the early part of 2024 saw the number of referrals to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services reach a record high. Teachers who are well informed about supporting self-regulation can play a role in their students’ healthy development, as well as being able to identify signs of potential mental health concern earlier and provide appropriate assistance or referrals.