Understanding and Addressing Fussy Eating | Nurseries

Image of Ashleigh Simpson
Ashleigh Simpson Registered associate nutritionist
Webinar 51min

This webinar will provide you with expert guidance on understanding and addressing children’s fussy eating habits in your nursery setting. Drawing on evidence-based approaches, it will offer practical strategies to create positive mealtime experiences and support healthy eating habits from the earliest stage.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, practitioners, nursery assistants

Aim: This webinar will provide you with expert guidance on understanding and addressing children’s fussy eating habits in your nursery setting. Drawing on evidence-based approaches, it will offer practical strategies to create positive mealtime experiences and support healthy eating habits from the earliest stage.

Why this webinar’s important: Fussy eating is a common issue among nursery-age children. Mealtimes offer nursery practitioners a valuable opportunity to help young children develop healthy eating habits, and a range of techniques and activities can be employed to create a supportive and nurturing mealtime environment.