Image of UKCIS: Education for a Connected World framework

UKCIS: Education for a Connected World framework

On 30 June 2020, the UK Council for Internet Safety released the 2020 edition of their Education for a Connected World framework.

What is the Education for a Connected World framework?

The Education for a Connected World framework is designed to help equip children and young people for digital life.

It highlights what a child should know in terms of current online technology, its influence on behaviour and development, and what skills they need to be able to navigate it.

It looks at a number of online issues around subjects such as ‘Online Relationships’, ‘Self-Image and Identity’ and ‘Online Bullying’, describing the knowledge, understanding and skills that children and young people should have the opportunity to develop at different ages and stages.

Why has the Education for a Connected World framework been developed?

From September 2020, Relationships Education and Relationships and Sex education were made compulsory for all secondary aged pupils in England and Relationships Education for all primary aged pupils in England.

This framework aims to help schools to support and broaden the provision of their online safety education, so that it is empowering, builds resilience and effects positive culture change. The objectives promote the development of safe and appropriate long-term behaviours, and support educators in shaping the culture within their setting and beyond…

How is the framework structured?

Each area of focus is divided into individual strands, which learning outcomes for respective age groups categorised into ages 4-7, 7-11, 11-14 and 14-18.

Ultimately, as stated within the framework “It is important that learning outcomes are interpreted within contexts that are relevant to the learner’s experience and are achieved through learning that is matched to the readiness of the learner.

The full list of individual topic areas are:

  • Self-image and identity
  • Online relationships
  • Online reputation
  • Online bullying
  • Managing online information
  • Health, wellbeing and lifestyle
  • Privacy and security
  • Copyright and ownership

Keep your online safety provision in line with government guidance with National Online Safety

At National Online Safety, we pride ourselves in responding to the latest government updates and statutory requirements. That’s why we took immediate action to update all of our lesson plans, training courses and learning resources to reflect the current framework.