Image of International Literacy Day 2024: Promoting Multilingual Education: Literacy for Mutual Understanding and Peace

International Literacy Day 2024: Promoting Multilingual Education: Literacy for Mutual Understanding and Peace

International Literacy Day takes place this year on Sunday, 8 September. As champions of literacy for all children and young people, including the most vulnerable or disadvantaged, we’re proud to join the global celebrations.

The ability to be able to read and write is not a privilege but a fundamental human right. Literacy offers a gateway to endless opportunities, has the power to break the cycle of poverty, and enables individuals to participate fully in society. Yet UNESCO reports that at least 763 million young people and adults worldwide lacked basic literacy skills in 2020. Since then, global challenges such as the pandemic have only served to exacerbate the problem. 

What is International Literacy Day? 

Given the impact of worldwide events, it’s important to embrace any initiative that promotes literacy. UNESCO established International Literacy Day in 1967 ‘to remind the public of the importance of literacy as a matter of dignity and human rights, and to advance the literacy agenda towards a more literate and sustainable society’. 

What is the theme of International Literacy Day 2024? 

The theme for 2024 is ‘promoting multilingual education: literacy for mutual understanding and peace’. UNESCO explains that ‘adopting a first language-based, multilingual approach to literacy and education’ can ‘help promote mutual understanding and respect, while solidifying communal identities and collective histories’. 

What can we do for International Literacy Day this year? 

The possibilities are endless, but here are a few suggestions:

  • Adopt the literacy theme for your assembly and lessons 

Take the opportunity to explore fundamental questions, such as what literacy means, whether we take it for granted, and how a lack of literacy affects people’s lives across the globe, now and in the future. 

  • Celebrate your multicultural community

This year’s theme underlines the importance of celebrating and fostering inclusivity within your multicultural community. You could, for example, find out more about the language and culture of your pupils with English as an additional language (EAL). 

  • Organise a writing workshop or competition

Organise a writing workshop on a specific genre of writing, such as poetry, short stories or plays, or hold a writing competition on the theme of literacy. 

  • Host a book fair or exchange

Host a book fair or exchange where pupils can trade books. Encourage discussion and evaluation of their favourite authors. 

  • Invite a special guest

Invite a special guest, such as a local author or storyteller, to come and read aloud at your school. Host storytelling events which feature tales from different cultures. 

  • Organise a field trip

Arrange a trip to your local library or bookshop, and take advantage of any events they might be running, such as talks or storytelling sessions. 

  • Provide language sessions

Organise introductory sessions where pupils can some of the basics of different languages, particularly those of EAL pupils.

Resources for International Literacy Day

In preparation for International Literacy Day, please share our free Wake Up Wednesday guides with parents and carers to inspire a love of reading and writing in young children:

Ten Top Tips for Parents and Educators: Promoting Storytime

Ten Top Tips for Parents and Educators: Promoting a Love of Early Writing

Design and deliver a literacy-themed INSET Day

As International Literacy Day coincides with the beginning of the new school year, how about including a literacy theme for your September INSET Day? The National College offers a wealth of resources for all phases and types of school, including nursery, primary, secondary, international, independent and special schools, to equip your staff with strategies, techniques and resources to enhance literacy at all stages.

Mini Masterclasses

Our mini masterclasses on literacy undertake a lightning tour of simple, evidence-based techniques which can be implemented as part of an effective literacy education, enabling pupils to move towards confident and competent reading and writing.

Explore our webinars to help instil a passion for reading and writing at all levels, including:

Promoting the Joy of Mark-Making and Writing in the EYFS

Primary Reading: Inspire a Love of Reading and Enhance Literacy Skills

Secondary Reading: Inspire a Love of Reading and Enhance Literacy Skills

We offer unrivalled resources to help you raise literacy standards in your setting. Here are just a few:

Primary Reading: Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to Reach Expected Standards

Developing Reading Comprehension Skills in Readiness for Secondary School

Bridging the Literacy Gap: Effective Strategies to Address Weak Reading Skills in Secondary School Pupils

Secondary Reading: How to Support Pupils Unable to Read

We also offer comprehensive resources for EAL pupils, including taking the Content and Language Integrating Learning (CLIC) approach to accelerate language acquisition and subject-specific learning.

For multilingual communities, we offer Multilingualism: A Practical Guide to Implementing DEIJ Principles in Your Setting | International Schools.

Whatever your plans, please join the global movement, and enjoy your school’s celebrations in preparation for International Literacy Day!

If you’re concerned about keeping up to date with the latest education policy, practice and research, consider a membership with The National College. Not only does it provide access to thousands of professional development resources for all staff, but also enables leaders to create training programmes precisely tailored to individual and collective needs, to help ensure compliance and drive up standards.