Image of International Epilepsy Day 2023

International Epilepsy Day 2023

What is International Epilepsy Day 2023?

International Epilepsy Day is a worldwide day of awareness organized by the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) and the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). Designed to raise awareness of epilepsy and the people around the world who live with the condition, International Epilepsy Day 2023 is focused on addressing the stigma around epilepsy that people living with it, and their families, are subjected to on a daily basis. International Epilepsy Day takes place on the second Monday in February each year, with this year’s day occurring on 13 February.

Epilsepsy Day 2023 – Debunking Myths

With International Epilepsy Day 2023’s focus on epilepsy-related stigma, the event is a good time to address myths surrounding the condition.

For instance, there is much misinformation about the ways in which people become affected by epilepsy and this lack of understanding can lead to discrimination. People may believe that epilepsy is as the result of mental illness, or that it limits activities that people can take part in. Some people even presume that epilepsy is contagious.

In reality, none of these statements are true and, epileptic seizures are the result of electrical surges in the brain which temporarily affect how it functions.

How many people are affected by epilepsy?

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), around 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy, making it one of the most common neurological diseases. Despite being common, it is estimated that in 50% of cases, the cause of the condition is unknown. Though epileptic seizures can occur as a result of other conditions such as brain tumours or an infection such as meningitis, for some people their epilepsy is just a part of how their body is made. Epilepsy can present itself from birth or later in life.

Despite the cause being unknown in many cases, this doesn’t mean that epilepsy can’t be treated. Common treatments include medication, though surgery or deep brain stimulation may be more effective in some cases.

Epilepsy Awareness Training

Our Essential CPD training on epilepsy awareness is the perfect way to address your own misconceptions about epilepsy this World Epilepsy Day, while ensuring that children and adults with epilepsy in your school or college are afforded the provision they require. Created in line with both the Equality Act (2010) and the Health and Safety at Work Act (1971), this training provides you with the core content you need to understand what epilepsy is and how employers can manage and support those with epilepsy in the workplace, including risk assessments and reasonable adjustments.

Certificate in Administering Medication for Education Providers

Furthermore, given the duty of care of all staff towards the safety and welfare of children in their setting, our training in Administering Medication for Education Providers (2023-24) is a vital resource for clarifying areas of responsibility regarding the administration of medication. Designed to help your setting establish, implement and adhere to suitable policies and procedures, this course was created in line with five separate policies, including Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions at School (2015) – ideal for ensuring children with epilepsy in your care receive the support they need.

Useful information and further links for support: