Image of International Day of Mathematics 2023

International Day of Mathematics 2023

What is the International Day of Mathematics 2023?

The International Day of Mathematics is a worldwide celebration which encourages people from countries all around the world to take part in events at schools, libraries, museums and other spaces. The day is a project led by the International Mathematical Union (IMU).

This year’s International Day of Mathematics will take place on the same day the celebration occurs every year - March 14. It’s no coincidence that this date was chosen upon the day’s inception in 2020. When written in the American date format (month/day), March 14 appears as 3/14 - a reference to the mathematical constant, pi (3.14).

The theme of this year’s event is ‘mathematics for everyone’. The day aims to democratise maths education and challenge perceptions suggesting that mathematics can be enjoyed only by geniuses and the naturally gifted. As such, people are encouraged to head to the International Day of Maths 2023 website, and search for activities in their area. The site also offers support to those looking to host their own event!

Why do we celebrate the International Day of Mathematics?

The International Day of Mathematics is a celebration designed to break down the walls which prevent people of all backgrounds from getting involved in mathematics and having exposure to fun ways of exploring the subject.

The IMU sees the date as an opportunity to help improve quality of life, empower women and girls, and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda (SDG1-17) of the United Nations. These aims are detailed further in an 11-point list of goals.

Included on this list for International Day of Maths 2023 are indications of the role that the IMU believes mathematics can play in fighting some of the challenges facing the world. One point highlights the necessity of mathematical skills in developing sustainable supply chains, while another looks to celebrate the part that maths has to play in fighting natural disasters, epidemics and more.

How can I celebrate the International Day of Mathematics 2023?

As part of the International Day of Mathematics 2023, people are encouraged to host their own events and invite others to join them in celebrations. The official website contains some fun, free activities which teachers and parents may enjoy sharing with their children or at events they curate.

This list of activities includes scavenger hunts, puzzles and experiments designed to entertain students while introducing them to the more complex mathematical theories which ground them.

The website also includes details on how you can promote your event using official hashtags and messaging, and highlights the ability to share details with anybody searching for events in your area.

Maths Anxiety: Building Resilience and Confidence

Feeling anxious or lacking confidence when it comes to maths isn’t uncommon. These feelings can often lead to students not fully engaging in lessons through a sense of self-preservation.

That’s why it’s key that teachers are equipped to help pupils readdress their relationship with mathematics and develop strategies for building resilience and confidence.

Our webinar, titled ‘Maths Anxiety: Building Resilience and Confidence to Improve Learner Outcomes’ is available for both primary and secondary settings and is a fantastic way for educators to embrace the spirit of the International Day of Maths 2023.

In the webinar, Marie Thompson, qualified maths teacher and psychology expert with 16+ years’ experience of outstanding practice in schools, explains the causes and traits of maths anxiety, its impact on performance at school, and how to address the issue in order to achieve better pupil outcomes.

Develop Language Skills to Teach Maths and Spatial Reasoning

The ‘Early years foundation stage’ statutory framework states that it’s important that the EYFS curriculum includes rich opportunities for children to develop their reasoning skills across all mathematical areas including shape, space and measure. Spatial reasoning is a key building block of mathematical thinking, which will become the foundation for problem-solving and maths skills in later life.

Our webinar titled ‘Develop Language Skills to Teach Maths and Spatial Reasoning | Nurseries’ is full of fantastic practical guidance and advice for EYFS practitioners on using language and communication skills to help develop children’s spatial reasoning ability in line with EYFS requirements and recommended best practice.