Image of Earth Day 2023 - April 22

Earth Day 2023 - April 22

What Is Earth Day 2023?

Earth Day is an annual day of awareness and celebration which takes place on April 22. The day commemorates the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970, which means that this year’s iteration will be the 53rd Earth Day!

Earth Day is a worldwide event which sees individuals from over 190 countries collaborate and take action to move towards a greener, more equitable and sustainable future for the planet we call home.

The official Earth Day website estimates that each Earth Day sees more than 1 billion individuals mobilised for the cause. The day hopes to highlight to people not only the issues which are facing Earth and its climate, but also the role that individuals, communities, corporations and governments can play in protecting the planet and its inhabitants.

The theme for Earth Day 2023 is ‘invest in our planet’ - a theme which highlights the responsibility we have to care for the climate and the symbiotic relationship between human health and that of our planet, while also focusing attention on the notion that climate action is the best pathway towards a strong economy.

Individuals are encouraged to get involved on Earth Day 2023 by attending events or finding their own ways to invest in our planet through making sustainable choices and changing habits.

How to celebrate Earth Day 2023

As with many awareness days and celebrations, monetary donations to the official Earth Day 2023 campaign are welcomed by the organisers, however, this is not the only way to celebrate the occasion!

In fact, there are many things that individuals and communities such as schools can do to not only celebrate Earth Day 2023 on April 22, but to take this opportunity to change habits and make adjustments that celebrate our planet and work to protect the climate all year round. Though the impact of some of these changes may seem small, if everyone participated in them, they’d make a big difference.

For example, reducing plastic consumption by cracking down on your reliance on single-use plastic items such as carrier bags can reduce your carbon footprint and reduce waste. Furthermore, fast fashion contributes massively to the production of greenhouse gasses and uses a lot of water. Incredibly, it’s estimated that producing one pair of jeans uses 2000 gallons of water.

Events such as holding a tree planting day are a fantastic way of getting children involved in Earth Day 2023. Children could also be encouraged to try their hand at writing letters to their local members of parliament to request that local and national governments enact green initiatives and schemes.

How can schools save energy?

Helping your school or college reduce its energy use is a brilliant way to get involved with Earth Day 2023, but trying to do so can come with many different challenges. That’s why we’ve produced a webinar titled ‘A Radical Approach to Saving Energy for Education Settings’.

The DfE’s policy paper ‘Sustainability and climate change: a strategy for the education and children’s services systems’ includes the strategic aim of “reducing direct and indirect emissions from education and care buildings, driving innovation to meet legislative targets and providing opportunities for children and young people to engage practically in the transition to net zero”.

In response, this webinar will provide headteachers, senior leaders, teachers and teaching assistants with advice and practical guidance on reducing and monitoring energy consumption within the education estate. This will help to save money and reduce CO2 emissions, and at the same time, engage pupils in leading initiatives as part of climate change education.  

How can children get involved with Earth Day 2023?

One of the main points which Earth Day 2023 looks to raise is the importance of individuals recognising the role they can play as agents of change. Even children can get involved and, considering that their generation will be responsible for protecting the climate in the future, it’s never too early to provide children with the knowledge and confidence to engage with climate issues.

Our webinar, ‘How to Introduce Climate Education and Sustainability in Early Years’ is designed to equip headteachers, managers, teachers and practitioners with practical knowledge, tips and tools so that they can incorporate climate change education into their early years curriculum in a way which enthuses and empowers young children.

In this webinar, Earth Warriors, the world's first organisation to provide a climate education curriculum for 3-11-year-olds using a positive and empowering approach, explains how early years settings can broach the complex issue of climate change in a solutions-focused way, inviting young children to become Earth Warriors and understand how their individual actions can make a difference.