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Expert-led online CPD for your whole
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Meet your statutory training requirements, upskill staff and save time and money with unlimited access to all professional development, with our One Platform membership.

Trusted by 46,436 schools, trusts, nurseries and colleges
Image of devices Unlimited access for all staff anytime, anywhere on any device
Image of a checklist of items on a clipboard Meet statutory training requirements
Image of a screen with charts on it Keep updated with policy, practice and research
Image of people Trusted information delivered by leading education experts
Image of a piece of paper with charts on it being magnified by a magnifying glass Software to track, monitor, report, and evidence in preparation for an inspection
Image of a hand with a coin floating above it Save time and money
Additional Group Benefits
Centralised group reporting
Disseminate professional development priorities
Achieve group accreditations
What's Included?
  • Never generic, always role-specific
  • 1,400+ webinars
  • 180+ courses
  • 400+ policy templates
  • 240+ guides
  • 280+ lesson plans
  • Trusted information delivered by leading education experts
  • Guaranteed minimum 30 webinars or courses added each month
  • Courses updated immediately to meet statutory requirement changes
  • Request new professional development