Create bespoke school policies to ensure compliance with DfE, Ofsted and wider government expectations

Meet statutory policy requirements, inform decision making and develop a safe and rewarding environment for staff and pupils with over 400+ template education policies to choose from.

  • Written in line with statutory guidance, legislation and best practice
  • Makes school and academy policy implementation quick and hassle-free
  • Researched and written by education policy professionals
Only available to members
Policy Manager

Choose from over 400 policies for schools and academies

Download any of our education policy templates and tailor them to your requirements to help implement staff policies and procedures.

Upload your own education policies

If you’ve got your own school policies already, or you’ve documented academy best practice, use our simple education policy template form to quickly add it to the site.

Share school policies and academy procedures in one place

Whether you’ve created a bespoke school policy using one of our templates or uploaded your own existing academy policy – share them with all your staff from one central place.

Create policies for schools and academies in key areas

Update your safeguarding policies, refresh health and safety procedures, clarify curriculum guidelines and ensure all government policies on education are in place.

Keep staff updated with policies and procedures

Make sure staff are aware of school – or academy – policies and procedures in line with government changes and guidance updates.