What You Need to Know about Lifestyle Sites

Image of Alan Martin
Alan Martin Technology journalist and former editor

This week's free online safety guide focuses on lifestyle sites. The guide takes a look at how to tackle a range of potential risks such as body image issues, fake news and psychological tricks.

A free online safety guide on lifestyle sites.

‘Lifestyle sites’ is a bit of a catch-all term because, unfortunately, much of the internet is built to take advantage of human psychological weakness. Essentially, lifestyle sites are websites, apps and social media platforms that use underhand tricks to keep people hooked in and to sell products. They can also be sites which are set up online communities experiencing issues around topics such as physical and mental health, but which are unregulated, unlike more established and verified agencies which can offer similar support.

In the guide, you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as body image issues, fake news and psychological tricks.