What You Need to Know about the Deep Web and the Dark Web

Image of Jonathan Taylor
Jonathan Taylor Online safety, social media and online grooming expert

This free online safety guide focuses on the the deep web and the dark web. The guide takes a look at how to tackle a range of potential risks such as online predators, unmonitored access and inappropriate content.

A free online safety guide on the deep web and the dark web.

While the deep web and the dark web are not the same thing, they do overlap significantly. The deep web refers to pages that are not indexed, which means that most search engines (Google, Bing and so on) won’t return them to you after a search. The dark web is a part of the internet that is only accessible by installing and using special software. It is the unregulated part of the online world: no organisation, business or government oversees it or can apply rules. This is why the dark web is commonly associated with illegal practices.

In the guide, you'll find tips on avoiding potential risks such as online predators, unmonitored access and inappropriate content.