What Parents and Carers Need to Know about Email Scams

Image of Dr Rona Mackenzie
Dr Rona Mackenzie Leadership and education expert

This week's free online safety guide focuses on email scams. Email scams are when you receive an email from someone purporting to be a genuine person or company, but is actually an online fraudster trying to trick you into disclosing personal information. The guide takes a look at how to tackle a range of potential risks such as viruses, financial damage and personal safety.

A free online safety guide on email scams.

Email scams are when you receive an email from someone purporting to be a genuine person or company, but is actually an online fraudster trying to trick you into disclosing personal information. This is often referred to as ‘phishing’. Normally, people click on the links in an email assuming that they will be directed to a trustworthy website – but fake sites, closely resembling the real thing, are increasingly being set up by cyber criminals specifically to capture your personal information, which could, in turn, jeopardise your financial, emotional and possibly even physical wellbeing.

In the guide, you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as viruses, financial damage and personal safety.