How to Set up Parental Controls to Protect Privacy | Android

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This week's free online safety guide focuses on parental controls to protect privacy. The privacy settings on your child’s smartphone give you control over how the information stored on it can be used. The guide takes a look at a range of tips such as managing app permissions, managing location settings and controlling access for third-party apps and sites.

A free online safety guide on parental controls to protect privacy.

The privacy settings on your child’s smartphone give you control over how the information stored on it can be used. You can turn off location services, for example, to keep their whereabouts private or stop apps from accessing functions of the phone like the camera or microphone. We’ve produced step-by-step guides on how to tighten up privacy settings on iPhones and Android phones.

In the guide, you'll find tips on a number of tips such as managing app permissions, managing location settings and controlling access for third-party apps and sites.