10 Top Tips for Parents and Educators: Supporting Children with Healthy Eating in The Early Years

Image of Louise Mercieca
Louise Mercieca Nutritional therapist

This free information guide has tips for parents and practitioners to help start building healthy eating habits in young children.

By embracing a balanced diet – rich in wholesome foods and packed with essential nutrients – children not only thrive physically but also establish healthy eating patterns which can last a lifetime. It’s an increasingly vital message, given the health landscape this generation is growing up in, with childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes among the increasing risks for children.

From the benefits of eating a rainbow of naturally coloured foods to why there’s nothing wrong with pudding (at least some of the time), our guide has a veritable smorgasbord of expert tips – equipping parents and early years practitioners alike to help little ones begin to grasp the basics of eating well and maintaining a healthy diet.