What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Energy Drinks

Image of Dr Jason O'Rourke
Dr Jason O'Rourke School food policy expert

This free information guide looks at high-caffeine energy drinks; their possible health risks; and how to address these potential issues.

While the short-term benefits of energy drinks can be attractive, it's not wise to ignore the potential health risks. Consuming these beverages regularly can have negative effects on the heart and blood pressure, and even cause dependency on these products to keep users’ energy at a ‘normal’ level. Factoring in that many shops have issued a voluntary ban on selling these drinks to under-16s, the rise in children and young people using energy drinks is a cause for concern.

This marked increase in young people using highly caffeinated drinks to supplement their energy has heightened the risk of these health issues arising in children – at a time in their lives where such impacts can have greater, longer-lasting consequences. Our guide addresses these possible hazards, letting you know how to minimise them for children and young people who like the occasional can.


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