Tony Cotton
Tony is the lead author for Oxford International Primary Mathematics. Other publications include Understanding and Teaching Primary Mathematics and How to develop confident mathematicians in the early years for Routledge; Approaches to learning and teaching Primary: A toolkit for international teachers for CUP; Explore Mathematics for the new standards curriculum in Jamaica; and BZ Math for primary schools in Belize. His books, Being a Teacher and Transforming Teaching, both draw on Tony’s international experience and share the experiences of educators around the world. Tony is also editor of Mathematics Teaching, the journal of The Association of Teachers of Mathematics.
Tony has worked with Ministries of Education in Macedonia and Oman to develop and implement new primary and secondary mathematics curricula. He teaches the international PGEI delivered by the University of Nottingham in SE Asia, leading the course in Thailand.
He became a lecturer in secondary mathematics education at the University of Nottingham, gaining his PhD in 1999. Since then, he taught secondary and primary teacher education in Nottingham and Leeds, becoming Head of the School of Education and Childhood at Leeds Metropolitan University. In 2012, he left the university sector to work full time as a writer and freelance education consultant.
Tony started his career teaching mathematics in secondary schools in Sheffield, England. He then worked as an advisory teacher for anti-racist and multicultural education, completing a Master’s degree in multicultural education, before spending time with 3 commercial publishers.