Karen Pilling
Karen Pilling is currently Deputy Head and SENCO at Chapel Street Primary School, a three-form entry primary school with a diverse cohort. She is also lead Pupil Premium, Local Area Coordinator (LAC) and EAL.
Karen has over 15 years teaching experience across EYFS and all three key stages. She has worked in a number of schools, all of which have high levels of deprivation and SEN. She has taught children with a range of special educational needs including ASD, PDA, OOD, ADHD, CP, Down Syndrome and Dyslexia. Her specialist areas are ASD and SEMH.
Karen has led cluster groups for local schools and led whole school training on a variety of SEN. She has worked with the School of Arts, Language and Culture at Manchester University and has led training sessions on SEN for supplementary school teachers across Manchester on strategies to support children with SEN. She is currently supporting two primary schools on how to improve their provision for children with SEMH.