Julie Cigman
After gaining an M.Ed in Literacy at the University of Sheffield, Julie Cigman worked as a reading intervention teacher, and wrote parents’ leaflets for PEEP (Peers Early Education Partnership) while running early literacy groups for young children and their parents. She worked her way up, then down the age range, finding her home in early years as a nursery teacher and then in promoting high-quality early years ears provision through her writing, training and consultancy.
She spent 3 years in initial teacher training as Foundation Stage lead on a post-graduate Early Years teacher training course in Oxford, designing and delivering training and co-ordinating school placements and support. Most recently, Julie has worked as an advisory teacher for Oxfordshire County Council, offering support and training to schools and early years settings. She has trained in all aspects of the EYFS, specialising in early communication, language and literacy, equality and diversity, English as an additional language, and boys’ learning. She is also currently chair of the Gloucestershire branch of Early Education.