Image of Jess Alborough

Jess Alborough

Anti-Bullying Alliance Logo
Institution Anti-Bullying Alliance

Jess is the Anti-Bullying Alliance’s (ABA) programme manager, with a background in teaching and publishing. She combines her classroom experience with working as a book publicist on campaigns for a range of children's and non-fiction books. She has 5 years’ experience as a primary school teacher, in which she honed her understanding of classroom practice and the challenges children and teachers face within an educational setting. In her current role, she uses her knowledge, skills, and commitment to support children and young people. 

ABA provides expertise in relation to all forms of bullying between children and young people and they aim to: maintain the high profile of the problem of childhood bullying and the impact it has, increasing the evidence base for tackling it; provide a climate in which stakeholders are committed to and proactively working towards preventing and responding to bullying of all children and young people; and make sure that school leaders, teachers, youth practitioners, parents, carers, and children and young people have the evidence-based skills and knowledge to address bullying effectively.