Dominic Broad
Dominic is currently the Director of Education for a multi-academy trust. He is responsible for the performance of schools, the training and wellbeing of senior leaders, and the trust’s strategic priorities. He also hosts the Olympic Mindset Podcast, taking lessons from his famous sporting guests and relating them to school leadership.
He is a former headteacher of a 3-19 school, where he led the school from special measures to a Good pre-Ofsted prior to the full opening of the school. He then worked with contractors on the build phase, as he prepared to transition the students and grow the school as they moved into a brand-new, £13 million building.
Dominic was seconded to government level as the Strategic Lead for Curriculum Reform in Wales, working with the Welsh government and pioneer schools across the country to plan, develop and deliver the Curriculum for Wales. Dominic oversaw the six Areas of Learning Experience in the Central South regions.
Dominic was also a Deputy Headteacher in a Double Excellent Primary School in South Wales, developing his leadership skills as part of an already excellent senior leadership team. Dominic taught 50% of the week, managed the Appe Regional Training Centre, established the school as a Sony Learning Centre, a NACE national hub of excellence, and was a finalist for the Best Tech Adopter in Wales 2017.
Dominic began his career in a city primary school, following working in professional football. He was quickly promoted to lead teacher, tasked with modelling and mentoring ‘excellent’ teaching to colleagues across the school and the region. He became Assistant Head for Assessment in his third year, having successfully stood in for a senior colleague, accepting responsibility for key areas of the school’s inspection.