Christabel Shepherd

With over 30 years’ experience of teaching in both primary and secondary settings, Christabel was most recently Executive Headteacher of Bradford’s Copthorne and Holybrook primary schools. She has extensive experience of leading on school-wide provision for more able learners, having used the NACE Challenge Framework to audit and develop provision in two schools, with both going on to achieve the NACE Challenge Award and one becoming a NACE R&D Hub.
In her role as NACE Challenge and Curriculum Development Director, Christabel leads the development of the Challenge Development Programme and oversees the Challenge Award, as well as playing a leading role in the development and delivery of NACE’s training programmes and bespoke CPD. She also undertakes school and curriculum reviews, with a focus on improving provision for more able learners and challenge in the classroom.
Christabel served on the NACE board of trustees from 2018 to 2022. She is a National Leader of Education, leader of the Exceed SCITT English and Cognitive Theory programmes, facilitator for the NPQSL, Pupil Premium Reviewer, and a system leader of school-to-school support using and applying evidence-based research.
As part of NACE's support for schools in Wales, she has undertaken a range of school consultancy visits for MAT provision in Welsh schools, and most recently co-wrote and delivered MAT CPD for the Central South Consortium (CSC).