Certificate in Role of Senior Mental Health Lead for Early Years Providers

Anna Bateman
Mental health expert and former DfE adviser


1h 53m

Rated 5 stars


11 modules

This course provides senior mental health leads with a clear understanding of their role and supports them to develop a clear vision and strategic plan which affects change, helps enhance children's outcomes, and delivers greater emotional and physical wellbeing for all stakeholders.
CPD Certified
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Senior mental health leads in the early years setting should have the knowledge, practical skills and tools to be able to plan for and affect positive whole school or college change. They are pivotal in supporting schools to implement and sustain an effective whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing.

Delivered by Anna Bateman, mental health and wellbeing expert who works in an advisory role for the DfE this Essential CPD course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to develop a clear vision and strategic plan which affects change, helps enhance pupil outcomes and delivers greater emotional and physical wellbeing for all stakeholders.

Please note: This course provides AI-generated subtitles in multiple languages including English, Welsh, Arabic, German, Spanish, French, Polish, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Russian, Romanian and Chinese. To select a language, start the video and click the Closed Captioning (CC) button.

When planning and allocating your time, please consider that this training course consists of learning through video, task completion and further reading/research. To successfully understand and achieve the objectives of the course, learners are expected to engage in all aspects of the learning process and complete all relevant activities to ensure they can successfully apply the knowledge and skills they have gained in their own school or setting.

Designed in line with the following policies

Important note for non-UK learners: Although this course reflects best practice principles and might be useful for learners outside the UK, please note that it is based solely on UK guidance and legislation. Please make sure you also adhere to relevant legislation applicable in your own country.


Delivered by Anna Bateman, mental health and wellbeing expert who works in an advisory role for the DfE. The course has been split into bite-sized modules and will be delivered through a blend of high-quality remote video CPD and self-directed learning.

Module 1: Mental health and the nursery context

This module will explore what we mean by mental health and what this looks like in the nursery context. We will also discuss what is meant by a ‘whole-setting approach’ and what this means in practice.

Module 2: The role of the senior mental health lead

In this module, we will explore the role of the senior mental health lead in more depth and how they can lead change. We will also look at how to develop a strategic plan that suits the needs of your nursery.

Module 3: Creating an ethos and environment

In this module, we will discuss how to foster a whole-setting attitude and understanding of mental health in a nursery environment, and how to reduce the stigma around staff and children’s mental health.

Module 4: Identifying need and monitoring impact

This module will look at the tools used to assess when there may be a mental health difficulty and reflect on the best tools to assess all children's mental health so that earlier intervention is possible.

Module 5: Targeted support and appropriate referrals

In this module, we will reflect on the range of services available within your locality to support mental health, exploring the benefits of creating partnerships with other services for the benefit of children.

Module 6: Curriculum teaching and learning

This module will explore how we can contextualise PSHE and RSHE and understand how PSHE is a key part of prevention and promoting awareness of mental health.

Module 7: Enabling children's voice

In this module, we will explore the role of children in developing a whole-setting approach to mental health and the benefits of gaining feedback from them.

Module 8: Staff development

In this module, we will explore the importance of promoting staff wellbeing and also leading by example by taking care of your own wellbeing.

Module 9: Parents, families and carers

In this module, we will explore how to engage with parents and carers effectively and promote the best outcomes for children's mental health.

Module 10: Steps to success

In the final module, we will look at the key points for success and what steps you can look to take next.

Outcome 1:

Understanding how to develop a strategic action plan to implement change which supports positive mental health and wellbeing for staff, children and parents

Outcome 2:

Recognising the key responsibilities of the senior lead for mental health and how to identify needs and monitor the impact of any interventions

Outcome 3:

Understanding how to ensure children can get targeted support and the importance of supporting their own wellbeing as well as that of staff and children

Outcome 4:

Realising the knowledge and skills to be able to create a positive ethos in relation to mental health and ensuring the voice of every child is heard and valued, and influences decisions

Outcome 5:

Recognising how to work with parents, families and carers and promoting resilience and supporting social and emotional learning

Anna Bateman

With more than 24 years’ experience in education as a teacher, trainer, consultant and Interim Executive Board member, Anna Bateman has gained a fantastic understanding of pedagogy, school improvement, leadership and what works.

She is passionate about placing prevention at the heart of every school, integrating mental wellbeing within the curriculum, school culture and systems. Through this work, students have the opportunity to learn skills and techniques to cope with modern day pressures alongside their academic studies.

Over the last 10 years Anna has worked with and transformed hundreds of primary and secondary schools. She has excellent subject knowledge and a solid understanding of how schools work. This puts her in a unique position to be able to offer highly innovative and bespoke programmes to resolve specific and complex issues.

As a previous member of the advisory group for the Department of Education, advising them on their mental health green paper, Anna has operated at the forefront of new initiatives and her passion is to drive these forward to the benefit of schools, school leaders and of course pupils and students.

Moreover, she is an accredited facilitator for the Academic Resilience Approach (Young Minds), Youth Mental Health First Aid Trained as well as a licensed PATHS trainer promoting alternative thinking strategies.