Certificate in the Role of the DSL in Primary Schools

Image of Lorna Ponambalum
Lorna Ponambalum Senior leader and safeguarding consultant
Course 1hr 10 modules

Developed by Lorna Ponambalum, independent safeguarding and inclusion consultant, this course will provide a detailed exploration of what it means to be a DSL in a primary school and what the role entails.

CPD Certified

Primary schools are required to have a person who is responsible for leading on the safeguarding of pupils in the school and managing child protection issues. The role of the DSL has become more comprehensive over the years as a result of changes to legislation and statutory guidance, outcomes from safeguarding practice reviews, and recommendations from other safeguarding-related reviews. 

Developed by Lorna Ponambalum, independent safeguarding and inclusion consultant, this course will provide a detailed exploration of what it means to be a DSL in a primary school and what the role entails. 

Please note: This training course consists of learning through video, task completion and further reading/research. Please consider this when planning and allocating your time. To successfully understand and achieve the objectives of the course, learners are expected to engage in all aspects of the learning process to ensure they can successfully apply the knowledge and skills they have gained in their own school. 

Designed in line with the following policies:
Keeping children safe in education

Please note that this course explores sensitive topics that some viewers may find distressing.