Certificate in the Rights of the Child UK

Image of Lorna Ponambalum
Lorna Ponambalum Senior leader and safeguarding consultant
Course 1hr 10min 12 modules

Developed by Lorna Ponambalum, safeguarding expert and senior leadership education professional, this Essential CPD Course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand the importance of promoting and supporting the rights of the children and young people within your education setting.

CPD Certified

“Every child has rights without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the child’s or his or her parent’s or legal guardian’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status”, according to Article 2 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The principles governing children’s rights in the UK should always underpin your work with children and young people, respecting and protecting these within your practice. Understanding children’s rights and the importance of these is vital when safeguarding children effectively within your setting. 

Developed by Lorna Ponambalum, senior leader, and safeguarding consultant with over 15 years experience as a DSL in education, this Essential CPD course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to understand the rights of children and young people in the UK. 

Please note: This course consists of learning through video, task completion and further reading/research. Please consider this when planning and allocating your time. To successfully understand and achieve the objectives of the course, learners are expected to engage in all aspects of the learning process to ensure they can successfully apply the knowledge and skills they have gained in their own setting.

Designed in line with the following policies

  • Keeping Children Safe in Education

Important note for non-UK learners: Although this course reflects best practice principles and might be useful for learners outside the UK, please note that it is based solely on UK guidance and legislation. Please make sure you also adhere to relevant legislation applicable in your own country.