Certificate in RIDDOR Awareness

Image of Samantha Kendall
Samantha Kendall First aider and emergency medical technician
Course 1hr 4 modules

Developed by Samantha Kendall, a highly qualified First Aider and Emergency Medical Technician, this online training course will provide you with an overview of RIDDOR and how it applies in your workplace.

CPD Certified

The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, 2013 (RIDDOR) requires employers and those who are in control of work in the premises to report and keep records of work related accidents, diseases, injuries and dangerous occurrences. Within an education setting, it is vital that employers have an understanding of how this works in practice and how it helps to keep children and staff safe.

Developed by Samantha Kendall; a highly qualified First Aider and Emergency Medical Technician, this online training course will provide you with an overview of RIDDOR and how it applies in your workplace.

Please note: This RIDDOR training course consists of learning through video, task completion and further reading/research. Please consider this when planning and allocating your time. To successfully understand and achieve the objectives of the course, learners are expected to engage in all aspects of the learning process to ensure they can successfully apply the knowledge and skills they have gained in their own setting.

Designed in line with the following policies 

  • The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences 2013