Meet DfE expectations in teaching and learning for your special school

All of our training and resources have been designed in line with the latest DfE and wider government guidance around teaching and learning to help your special school meet required standards and best practice.

Behaviour and Discipline in Schools
Guidance on behaviour and the related legal duties of headteachers, and members of staff, including how to support pupils to behave well and staff powers when responding to misbehaviour
Teachers' Standards
The standards that set the minimum requirements for teachers’ practice and conduct, including what they must be expected to demonstrate when teaching
Providing Remote Education: Guidance For Schools
Guidance on providing high-quality remote education in cases where it is not possible, or contrary to government guidance, for some or all pupils to attend school

Raise standards in your special school across all areas of teaching and learning

Clarify roles and responsibilities, upskill staff and make sure everyone in your special school has the knowledge and skills they need to help engage students in the classroom and deliver effective practice across all areas of teaching and learning.